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Ramadhan 06 / 1427 AH

Astronomical data and moon sighting probability information is available. It is important that Muslims understand the facts and educate themselves on this subject.

Start of Ramadhan


New moon will be born at 11:45 (GMT) on Friday 22nd September 2006.


At Sunset on the 22nd September 2006 (For Leicester): 


Sunset Time : 19:03 (GMT)

Age of Moon : 6 Hours 19 Minutes

Moonset Time : 18:57 GMT (Before Sunset)

Conclusion : Not Visible


Global Scan for Saturday (23rd) evening - Click to view in detail :



Muslims and Astronomers from across the world search for the new moon at the start of each Islamic month. Their finding are posted on the Internet on sites such as www.moonsighting.com.


The information gathered for Ramadhan can be seen by clicking here.

On the basis of all the scientific  information available, the Moon will not be visible on Friday evening (22nd). The Islamic Centre will look for the new Moon on Saturday evening (23rd) and if seen, will begin Ramadhan on Sunday 24th September.


New Moon will be born at 05:14 (GMT) on Sunday 22nd October 2006.

At Sunset on the 22nd October 2006 (For Leicester): 


Sunset Time : 16:55 (GMT)

Age of Moon : 11 Hour 44 Minutes

Moonset Time : 16:35 - GMT ( 20 Minutes before Sunset)

Conclusion : Not Visible in the UK



Global Scan for 22nd October - Click to view in detail:




Global Scan for 23rd October - Click to view in detail :




Conclusion : If confirmation of sighting is received on 23rd, then Eid will be celebrated on Tuesday 24th October.


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Hijri Date

Friday Jumada al-Thanni 18 1446
Saturday 21 December 2024

Prayer Times

Begins Jamaat
Fajar 6.29 7.15
Sunrise 8.10
Zuhr 12.05 1.15
Asr 2.08 3.00
Magrib 3.54 3.54
Isha 5.35 7.30


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